Schedule a Pickup Text To guarantee service, orders for morning pickup should be submitted by midnight the night before pickup. Night orders should be submitted before noon on the day of pickup. New or Returning Customer * I am a new customer. I am a returning customer. Name * Email * Choose a Pickup Date * Choose a Pickup Window * Anytime, sfwash has access to my building 8AM to 10AM 9AM to 12PM 6:30PM to 9:30PM (not avail. Fridays) Pickup Frequency * One-Time Pickup Schedule Once-a-Week Pickup Schedule Every-Other-Week Pickup Services Requested (check all that apply) * Wash and Fold by Pound Wash and Fold by Bag ($49 for up to 25 pounds) Wash and Dry, No Fold Dry Cleaning or Launder and Press Laundry Preferences * Use standard preferences (Fragrance-Free Detergent, No Bleach or Softener) Customize preferences Use preferences from Last Order Turnaround Time (Note: Dry Cleaning/Launder and Press takes one week) * For an additional $6 we can return a wash-and-fold-only order the same day between 6:30PM and 9:30PM, if it is picked up on a weekday. Next-Day Wash and Fold Delivery (Friday orders delivered Monday) Same-Day Wash and Fold Delivery ($7, Free on Fridays) Text Enter or update payment information: Special Instructions If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.